2020.02.26 お知らせ 卒業式の中止について/关于中止毕业仪式的通知/Cancellation of the Graduation Ceremony 学生生活



学長 田畑 理一




FAX:072-941-4426 E-mail:syomu@keiho-u.ac.jp




 校长 田畑 理一





FAX:072-941-4426  E-mail:syomu@keiho-u.ac.jp


26 February 2020

To All Students and their Families
From Riichi Tabata, President of Osaka University of Economics and Law

Cancellation of the Graduation Ceremony

In view of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus outbreak, our university has taken the difficult decision to cancel its Forty-Sixth Graduation Ceremony and Fourth Graduate School Commencement Ceremony, which were both due to be held on 18 March.

All the students about to celebrate their formal graduation or commencement, as well as their families, were doubtless eagerly anticipating their graduation ceremony, which would have marked the completion of their university studies. This event, where students would have shared their joy and hopes for the future with their teachers and friends, has ultimately had to be cancelled, leaving the teachers and staff of the university close to heartbroken.

The graduation ceremony is a truly treasured occasion. In recent days, the university had striven to enable the graduation ceremony to take place, taking every possible measure to resist the spread of the infectious outbreak.

However, over the last few days, isolated cases have occurred in several regions of Japan with no traceable route of transmission, and in some areas small-scale patient clusters have been identified. It is against this background that the government has now deemed this period a critical one for early eradication of transmission, requesting that the public and corporations push ahead with measures to counter the spread of the outbreak.

The graduation ceremony was to be held in the university gymnasium, with a total of about 700 graduating students and finishing postgraduates, and family and guests from both inside and outside Osaka Prefecture, making a total of 1,400 people. It was to last about one-and-a-half hours. In these circumstances, it would have been extremely difficult to maintain a sufficient distance between the guests, or to provide sufficient ventilation. It is thought that the Novel Coronavirus can be transmitted to others even by people with only mild symptoms or none at all, and it is probable that some of the guests would be senior citizens and people with underlying conditions who are particularly susceptible to acquire severe symptoms from the virus.

Taking all these circumstances into account, we have had to make the extremely difficult decision to cancel the graduation ceremony in order to prioritise the health and the safety of the students and their families, the university personnel and all those concerned, as well as to comply with the infectious disease prevention measures in place in Japan. We would like to thank all the students and their families for their sympathetic understanding.

We plan to announce the graduating students on Monday 9 March and shall contact them in due course with information on how to receive their diplomas and graduation certificates.


Office of Administration, Osaka University of Economics and Law (Mr Haruyama or Mr Yamazaki)
Telephone: +81 (0) 72 941 8211 (general enquiries)
+81 (0) 72 941 1503 (direct line to the Office of Administration)
Facsimile: +81 (0) 72 941 4426 E-mail: syomu@keiho-u.ac.jp